WAYS is always interested in encouraging adults and young adults to become soccer referees. Refereeing deepens a person's knowledge and understanding of soccer and provides a way for anyone to contribute to the game. It is an excellent opportunity for teens to learn self-confidence, responsibility and leadership. Refereeing is a great way for those who love soccer to stay involved and get paid for it.
Information on the Connecticut State Referee Program, including qualifying to become a referee, recertification, training, and completing an initial certification can be found at www.ctreferee.net

The "Grassroots Training" will instruct/prepare individuals wishing to Referee youth games and is required training for those wishing to advance to officiate higher level competitions and reach higher Referee grades.
Clinic Requirements:
- You must be 13 years at the time of registration
- Pay all Clinic fees
- Complete and pass all training modules and final exam (online)
- Register for and attend the "in-class/field session"
Topics include instruction on the Diagonal System of Control (using three officials), fouls and misconduct, offside, Referee and Assistant Referee duties and responsibilities. Upon successful completion and registration with USSF and CSRP, the individual may officiate various levels of youth games as a Referee or Assistant Referee.
- Referee small-sided games (U6 - U8)
- Referee recreational youth games
- Referee youth games
- Assistant Referee youth games
Additional Links and Helpful Resources:
Referee Guidelines for Northwest District CJSA Matches
Referee Guidelines - Abridged Version
Become a Referee
Report Referee Abuse
Ask the Ref
US Youth Soccer Referees

Steps for Newly Certified Referees:
Please email our referee assignor, Terry Mahar.
Steps for New & Returning Certified Referees:
The referee assignor will send out weekly/bi-weekly emails requesting your availability. Please respond to these e-mails in a timely fashion so that assignments can be made and published. Timely completion of this process allows referees the best opportunity to pick up additional assignments in other towns.
Assignments are based on the following criteria:
- Age appropriate for the assignment: Two years older for Center Referee and one year older for Assistant Referee
- Conflicts of interest: Referee cannot have a sibling playing on either team or be a board member.
- Experience: The assignor will schedule referees based on their experience and willingness to work specific assignments. When possible, the assignor will attempt to put newly certified or inexperienced referees with more experienced referees.
- Center Referees are chosen based on ability, experience and a willingness to perform the required duties. At the beginning of the season the assignor will ask if you are willing to be a Center Referee.